This assignment focuses on your ability to use theoretical concepts and ideas to understand your lived experiences and to use your experiences and insights to critically evaluate course materials. Three times during the semester you will be required to write a fragment. A fragment is an essay of no more than 2 pages (not including title page and references). Starting with a fragment – one or two sentences taken from the reading for that particular week – you will argue with the fragment, illustrate it, or extend it by integrating some “data” to support your argument. By “data” I am referring here to an illustration you have observed, experienced, or read about, etc. The point is to illustrate how you are thinking about the “fragment” by integrating it with some everyday practice. Start your essay with the quote you have chosen and cite the source of your reference (remember, it must be from the reading for the week your fragment is due – a schedule will be posted). Points will be deducted for not citing sources as well as for typing, grammatical, and spelling errors.

Title: Answer questions
As you read Section IV of the Thesis/Practicum Guide and Berg ch. 1, prepare to address the following questions in next week’s class discussion:
How are quantitative and qualitative research methods different, yet complementary? Which type has generally received more respect in the social sciences?
Why use qualitative methods?
Why do we emphasize qualitative methods in the MAC program, particularly?
When you read Berg ch. 2, you can skip (or quickly skim) pp. 27-35; these are issues that Mary Anne has already guided you through. Be prepared to discuss the following in relation to Berg ch. 2:
Theory and concepts (p. 21-23): In your secondary (literature) research so far, what is an important theory you’ve explored? that you hope will guide your own rsearch project.
What is operationalization (p. 38-41)? Why is it important? Could you operationalize one of the concepts you plan to use in your research? How might you do that?
At this point, can you imagine what type of sampling strategy (p. 48-52) would make sense for your research project?

Title: Answer questions
As you read Section IV of the Thesis/Practicum Guide and Berg ch. 1, prepare to address the following questions in next week’s class discussion:
How are quantitative and qualitative research methods different, yet complementary? Which type has generally received more respect in the social sciences?
Why use qualitative methods?
Why do we emphasize qualitative methods in the MAC program, particularly?
When you read Berg ch. 2, you can skip (or quickly skim) pp. 27-35; these are issues that Mary Anne has already guided you through. Be prepared to discuss the following in relation to Berg ch. 2:
Theory and concepts (p. 21-23): In your secondary (literature) research so far, what is an important theory you’ve explored? that you hope will guide your own rsearch project.
What is operationalization (p. 38-41)? Why is it important? Could you operationalize one of the concepts you plan to use in your research? How might you do that?
At this point, can you imagine what type of sampling strategy (p. 48-52) would make sense for your research project?